Monday, February 11, 2008

Extreme Church Culture Makeover

I have only watch the show Extreme home makeover on a few occasions for a few minutes so i am not an expert on the show. what I have seen has made think, "why isn't the church doing this for people in their community?"

I was at a church in NB and they did something like this for a family in their community that didn't come to their church.

Any idea how many churches I know? Lots. I only have 1 story....

Here's how I see it.

Our church culture is very inward focused, more on that later. We are trying to build something that can reach out to people but we are missing the obvious... people don't care what we think. I believe we'll get people's attention when they see us doing some "Jesus" stuff in their communities, like building homes, helping people who have experienced a tragedy, paying for funerals for people who can't pay, coaching sports teams, giving free music lessons, the list goes on and on.

Rather than do these kinds of things we are focused on programs, meetings, budgets, attendance records, putting out fires, keeping everyone in the "Club" happy and the heat/ac just so.

My questions is this, "is this it"? is this why Christ came? Is this why He lived and died? So we could be happy, comfortable and have a say in next years budget.

Let's face it, we are playing games.

I had a conversation with the leader from a denomination and he said, "very little of what we do in church today has anything to do with the New Testament. I find it hard to argue.

I invite your comments.